Managing Programmes
"Programme Management is all about organising project-based change"

The widespread use of projects to realise strategic or complex change has brought with it the need to marshal project-based activity in a coherent, beneficial way. Successful companies are deriving vital commercial advantage from using a programme framework to group existing projects, or define new projects, and focusing on all the activities required to achieve their business objectives. The major advantages of programme management cited by many of our clients are:

· Link between the company's goals and the projects being undertaken - projects are A clear driven by business needs rather than personal agendas, eg desires to apply the latest technology or utilise existing staff
· Better prioritisation of projects
· More efficient and appropriate use of resources
· Better high level business planning, co-ordination and risk management
· Explicit recognition and understanding of dependencies - active management of dependencies significantly reduces the risk of delays and increased costs.

Our consultants have worked with business leaders in large organisations to help them achieve their business goals by creating and managing business programmes.